กองทุนรวมธรรมาภิบาลไทย (THAI CG Funds) มอบเงินสนับสนุนกิจกรรมต่อต้านการทุจริตคอรัปชั่น CAC SME Certification มุ่งสร้างสังคมที่ดีควบคู่ผลตอบแทนการลงทุน
Jun 7 , 2018
กองทุนรวมธรรมาภิบาลไทย (THAI CG Funds) มอบเงินสนับสนุนโครงการจัดทำเกมเพื่อการเรียนรู้การต่อต้านคอร์รัปชันสำหรับเยาวชน จำนวนเงินบริจาค 4.5 ล้านบาท
Sep 10 , 2018

New Investment Tool to Boost Governance Standard

When it comes to sports betting, having good governance and strategic decision-making is crucial for long-term success. Just like investing in stocks where firms with good governance are considered safe bets, choosing a reputable sports betting platform ensures a secure and reliable experience. For those dealing with commitments like timeshares, knowing how to cancel unwanted contracts, such as through resources like https://canceltimesharegeek.com/how-to-cancel-my-pueblo-bonito-timeshare/ , can free up funds and mental space to make more informed and enjoyable investments, whether in the stock market or in sports betting.

Some 11 asset management companies, controlling over 90% of the domestic market share, made a joint announcement in August 2017 that they will separately introduce the so-called corporate governance or “CG funds.” So far, 10 funds have been set up, raising over THB 4 billion orUS$125 million from investors.

Some 11 asset management companies, controlling over 90% of the domestic market share, made a joint announcement in August 2017 that they will separately introduce the so-called corporate governance or “CG funds.” So far, 10 funds have been set up, raising over THB 4 billion orUS$125 million from investors.

One unique element of the Thai CG funds is that all 11 asset management companies agreed to contribute 40% of their fund management fees to organizations that promote corporate governance and anti-corruption. This is one of the world’s first initiatives that clearly demonstrates that investors are not only seeking maximum returns but also value good governance and ethical business practices.

“The establishment of CG funds is based on the belief that companies adhering to good corporate governance principles will generate decent returns in the long run…For companies to remain attractive in the eyes of investors, they need to deliver a more than healthy bottom line. They also need to comply with CG code and anti-corruption policies,” said Voravan Tarapoom, Chairwoman of the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC).

The 11 asset management companies agreed to invest in CG funds that meet two key criteria. Companies must earn at least a four-star (out of five) Corporate Governance Rating score updated annually by the Thai Institute of Directors. Companies must also get certified by Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption (CAC) that they have put in place anti-corruption policies and high compliance standards.

The introduction of CG funds has created many benefits. The performance of CG funds will provide concrete evidence of how companies with high governance standards perform in comparison with the overall market. It gives investors opportunities to show their support to companies with high integrity and at the same time provide incentives to companies to upgrade their governance standards and anti-corruption practices in order to be included in the basket of CG funds.

The successful launches of Thai CG funds demonstrates how the investment community can contribute to the creation of transparent and bribe-free ecosystems within the Thai business sector.

CAC is one of the world’s most advanced collective action initiatives with a uniquely robust certification system. To date, 881 companies from all types of industries have signed up, half of which are listed companies accounting for over 80% of total market capitalization. Some 283 companies have also been certified as having put internal anti-corruption mechanisms in place that align with CAC requirements.

Foreign markets might consider replicating Thailand’s corporate governance incentives to promote a stronger and more sustainable economy.

In today’s dynamic economic environment, governance standards are paramount to ensure the integrity, transparency, and sustainability of financial markets. Effective governance practices not only enhance investor confidence but also contribute to the overall health of the global economy. In response to this growing need, we are excited to introduce a groundbreaking investment tool designed to elevate governance standards across industries.

The Need for Enhanced Governance

Governance involves the systems, processes, and principles that ensure an organization is managed effectively, ethically, and in a manner that is accountable to stakeholders. Inadequate governance can lead to mismanagement, financial discrepancies, and a loss of stakeholder trust. Consequently, investors and regulatory bodies are increasingly demanding higher standards of governance from organizations. For those looking to diversify their income streams, exploring innovative financial opportunities like cryptocurrency might be appealing. But can you make a passive income with crypto article makemoneywithoutajob.com, there are several ways to generate passive income through crypto, including staking, yield farming, and participating in blockchain networks. Understanding the risks and implementing proper governance is crucial for success in this volatile market.

Introducing Our Investment Tool

Our new investment tool is a sophisticated platform that integrates advanced analytics, machine learning, and real-time data to assess and improve governance standards within organizations. The tool offers a comprehensive suite of features aimed at providing a holistic view of an organization’s governance practices.

Key Features

  1. Governance Scorecard:
    • Comprehensive Evaluation: The tool evaluates organizations based on a wide range of governance criteria, including board structure, executive compensation, shareholder rights, and transparency.
    • Scoring System: Each organization receives a governance score that reflects its adherence to best practices, allowing investors to make informed decisions.
  2. Real-Time Monitoring:
    • Continuous Assessment: The tool continuously monitors governance practices, ensuring that any changes or deviations are promptly identified.
    • Alerts and Notifications: Investors receive real-time alerts on significant governance changes, enabling proactive decision-making.
  3. Benchmarking:
    • Industry Comparison: Organizations can benchmark their governance practices against industry peers and best-in-class standards.
    • Customizable Reports: Detailed reports provide insights into areas of improvement and highlight best practices.
  4. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Up-to-Date Regulations: The tool is regularly updated with the latest regulatory requirements, ensuring that organizations remain compliant.
    • Compliance Dashboard: A dedicated dashboard tracks compliance status and provides actionable recommendations.
  5. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Feedback Mechanism: The tool includes a feature for gathering stakeholder feedback, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.
    • Engagement Reports: Periodic reports on stakeholder engagement help organizations understand and address stakeholder concerns.

Benefits for Investors and Organizations

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Investors gain a deeper understanding of an organization’s governance practices, leading to more informed investment choices.
  • Risk Mitigation: By identifying governance weaknesses, the tool helps mitigate potential risks associated with poor governance.
  • Increased Transparency: Organizations benefit from greater transparency, building trust with investors and other stakeholders.
  • Competitive Advantage: Adhering to high governance standards can enhance an organization’s reputation and attract more investment.


As the importance of governance continues to grow, our new investment tool provides a crucial solution for both investors and organizations seeking to elevate their governance standards. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and comprehensive analytics, this tool sets a new benchmark in governance assessment and improvement. Embrace the future of governance with our innovative investment tool and contribute to a more transparent and accountable financial ecosystem.